Thursday, 15 March 2012

Modelling a Building

Front View

Create a building plan using line tool according to your own preference and leaving 4 spaces for the doorways. After converting to editable spline, attach to make all the walls as one.

ground floor
When adding an extra wall, and snap to grid and close loop. Attach after conversion. Refine geometry by removing the segment and condense numbers of vertices on the grid using weld tool or fuse to bring them together then snap to grid and weld. Extrusion is not possible otherwise.

In top level, snap the bottom left vertex to center of grid. In sub-object vertex level, snap to grid to enlarge the building plan. Then extrude to form 3d shape of walls to 2.4m.

1st Attempt

Changing segment amount allows for new levels of geometry. To create the tops of the doors, select the middle horizontal vertices in front view and pull them up to 2 meters on the z-axis and convert to editable poly.

In polygon level rotate to select the inside polygons above the doors in order to bridge and complete the walls above the doorways.

Using slice modifier we then create the windows. First change specification of the grid spacing from 1m to 0.5m and in side view and select all polygons. Quick slice across horizontal of building to make top and bottom of windows.
Then make a vertical quick slice through the wall section that has been selected on inside and outside. Extrude on the sub-object level in perspective view about -0.2m.and delete, adjusting desired width if necessary.

I added the roof and subtracted the bottom half then scaled to fit. Would have liked to remove some faces of the roof to create light inside. Made a driveway out of an oil tank shape and extruded the side to form the pathway. A greenhouse at the back completes my house.
back view rendered

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Introduction to 3d primitives

Modelling a Mobile Phone enabled further learning using 3d Max primitives. 

 After creating the chamfer box and modelling the shell, it was relatively simple to create the matching base shell by using the mirror tool.

By converting it to an editable mesh, I was able to subtract the screen shape which was assemble with the button pad shapes from the top shell and the model was resembling a mobile phone.

Extruding the new button shapes, the phone now had the keypad. The screen was manipulated to fit the mold of the top shell.

The finished article with a tiny flaw on the surface. I shall redo this.